
History- Brendolan Alimentari Today – Mission and values


In 1925, the brothers Luigi, Erminio and Aldo Brendolan opened their first food shop in Vò di Brendola, in the province of Vicenza.
This is how the story of Brendolan Alimentari began… a story of commitment, passion and values.
When, in 1955, the brothers decided to split up, Luigi Erminio continued with the original idea, paving the way for the future of a big business success. In 1977 in fact, thanks to the initiative and courage of his son Antonio, Brendolan Alimentari Srl was established. Mr. Antonio still continues to run the company as owner and sole director and faces the challenges of current and future markets with strong determination.

Photo of the first shop opened by the Brendolan brothers

The current expansion of Brendolan Alimentari owned and affiliated shops

Photo of the first shop opened by the Brendolan brothers

The current expansion of Brendolan Alimentari owned and affiliated shops

Brendolan Today

A modern Distribution Centre in Roveredo di Guà, in the province of Verona, with a surface area of over 9,000 square metres, 14 company-owned supermarkets located in the provinces of Vicenza, Verona, Padua, Rovigo, Trento and Ferrara, 4 established and well-known brands in the area in which it operates… all this is Brendolan Alimentari srl today.

The brands VIVO supermarkets, Vivo mio la bottega del fresco, and the more recent “B2 SUPERMERCATI low prices every day” and D’ITALY are new commercial formulas designed to meet the needs of a rapidly growing and increasingly aware clientele.

The key to a company’s success lies in its ability to forge valuable partnerships. This is why Brendolan Alimentari has chosen to become part of the Consorzio C3 Purchasing Group, one of the most important and dynamic in national food distribution. Thanks to this participation, the company enjoys the best contractual conditions from major suppliers, as well as the use of the now famous VIVO commercial logo and its “NOI&VOI” branded products.  

In 2017, Brendolan Alimentari also decided to join the ITALY DISCOUNT consortium, and obtained the exclusive rights to the D’ITALY brand and its products for the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions; this is a new discount concept, with the right mix of exclusive made-in-Italy and branded products.

Brendolan Alimentari boasts a strong presence in all the regions of North-East Italy and has recently expanded into Central Italy and the Islands. In this context, the new platform in Roveredo di Guà is essential for providing a prompt and capillary delivery service thanks to a particularly advantageous geographical location.

The assortments, managed directly by the Distribution Centre or through the re-billing service, make it possible to cover all the commodity sectors found in food stores.

Mission & Values


What are the commitments of “neighbourhood supermarkets” today?
Top-quality fresh produce, courtesy, attention to customer needs, and a quest for excellence.
Never before has it been so important to rediscover the values of product wholesomeness and respect for the individual which make these places true points of reference in the areas in which they operate.

Brendolan Alimentari has chosen to give concrete and convenient answers to all these small and medium-sized businesses. We want to be true specialists in this niche market, and contribute as partners to the growth of our customers.

Special attention is dedicated to the fresh food counter, with an assortment of over 1,800 products carefully selected by real specialists in the sector to make sure the end customer enjoys the highest quality at the right price. Brendolan Alimentari can also boast a wide assortment of about 8,500 food and non-food products.

Mission e Valori


Quali sono oggi gli impegni portati avanti dai “supermercati di quartiere” Qualità del prodotto fresco, cortesia, attenzione alle esigenze del cliente, ricerca dell’eccellenza.
Mai come oggi è proprio nei negozi di vicinato che si riscoprono quei valori di genuinità del prodotto e rispetto della persona che fanno di questi luoghi dei veri punti di riferimento nel territorio in cui operano.

Brendolan Alimentari ha scelto di dare risposte concrete e convenienti a tutte queste piccole e medie realtà commerciali. Vogliamo essere veri specialisti di questo mercato di nicchia, diventando partner di crescita dei nostri clienti.

Particolare cura viene dedicata al reparto freschi, che conta un assortimento di oltre 1.800 referenze selezionate con cura da veri specialisti di settore per garantire al cliente finale la massima qualità al giusto prezzo. Brendolan Alimentari può inoltre vantare un ampio assortimento di prodotti food e non food per un totale di circa 8.500 referenze.